编号 |
项目名称 |
申请人 姓 名 |
批准金额(万元) |
申请人地址 |
SKHL1401 |
Multi-scale interaction of flow turbulence, bed topography and sediment transport |
Arvind Singh
8 |
University of Central Florida |
SKHL1402 |
Integrating Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Reaction Kinetics in Water Quality Analysis of Mountain Rivers, Phase (II) |
Dr. Clark C.K Liu |
8 |
University of Hawaii/Sichuan University |
SKHL1403 |
Studying the impact of permafrost degradation on the eco- hydrological processes in the Tibetan Plateau based on multiple satellite observations and a process model |
8 |
University of Montana, USA |
SKHL1404 |
On bottom stability of offshore pipelines |
梁东方 |
8 |
University of Cambridge |
SKHL1405 |
基于遥感信息的云贵高原极端水文气象事件识别及其对区域碳水循环的影响 |
8 |
School of the Environment, Flinders University, Australia |
SKHL1406 |
基于卫星遥感降水的青藏高原东部区域径流预报研究 |
8 |
澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究院(CSIRO) |
SKHL1407 |
岩石在动态循环载荷作用下的细观演化研究 |
8 |
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 |
SKHL1408 |
Development of parameterized two-dimensional shallow water model for urban flood |
Nigel Wright |
8 |
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds |
SKHL1409 |
The SPH Modeling of Water-Sediment Mixture Flows |
3 |
University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK |
SKHL1410 |
High-order lattice Boltzmann modeling of air entrainment in open channel flows |
David Emerson
3 |
STFC Daresbury laboratory UK |
SKHL1411 |
Fate and transport of nanomaterials in the subsurface: applications for groundwater remediation |
3 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
SKHL1412 |
Design of A Generic Low-Cost Monitoring System for Hydraulic Structural Integrity Using Acoustic Emission and Wireless Sensor Network |
3 |
Brunel University, UK |
SKHL1413 |
An Optimization-Simulation Approach for Water Quality Management under Changing Climatic Conditions |
3 |
University of Regina in Canada |
SKHL1414 |
Experimental and numerical study of flow structure and sediment transport characteristics in open channel transitions with sequential contractions and expansions |
3 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
SKHL1415 |
Numerical simulation of air bubbles and sediment re-suspension under unsteady breaking waves in the surf zone |
韦永康WAI Wing Hong Onyx
5 |
香港理工大学 |
SKHL1416 |
一种精确、快速、低成本地获取含有单条节理的岩体 |
5 |
香港理工大学 |
SKHL1417 |
复杂山区河网非恒定明渠流随机特性研究与应用 |
5 |
香港理工大学 |
SKHL1418 |
坡面水流阻力对地表糙度单元及其分布变化响应机制试验研究 |
5 |
SKHL1419 |
水资源开发与珍稀药用植物资源的可持续利用 |
胡 豪
5 |
澳门氹仔澳门大学 |
SKHL1420 |
山区河流溃坝条件下人员疏散模式及避难路线选择研究 |
5 |
台湾国立云林科技大学 |
SKHL1421 |
微孔曝气系统对水体增氧的机理及应用 |
程香菊 |
4 |
华南理工大学 |
SKHL1422 |
高速夹沙水流冲磨作用的空化增强机理试验研究 |
王 新 |
4 |
南京水利科学研究院 |
SKHL1423 |
化感物质控藻机理研究 |
高 顺 |
4 |
四川农业大学 |
SKHL1424 |
工程岩体微震信号动态释放规律研究 |
张伯虎 |
4 |
西南石油大学 |
SKHL1425 |
基于SPH-DEM耦合方法的水库滑坡涌浪数值模拟 |
邱流潮 |
4 |
中国农业大学 |
SKHL1426 |
考虑弯道阻塞的泥石流阻力特性研究 |
胡凯衡 |
4 |
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 |
SKHL1427 |
耦合短、中期降雨预报信息的梯级水库群优化调度 |
徐 炜 |
4 |
重庆交通大学 |
SKHL1428 |
极端天气波流共同作用下粉土质海床管道稳定性研究 |
周春艳 |
4 |
河海大学 |