更新时间:2015-03-01 09:55:00
编号 |
项目名称 |
申请人 姓 名 |
申请金额(万元) |
申请人地址 |
SKHL1501 |
Assimilate observations to Improve Accuracy of Streamflow Prediction over ountainous Regions |
Sheng Chen
8 |
Hydrometeorloogr and Remote Sensing Laboratory,Universtiy of Oklahoma
SKHL1502 |
Energy Environment and Commercial civilization in the Belt and Road |
Gheorghe DUCA
8 |
Academy of Sciences of Moldova
SKHL1503 |
IIHR-Hydroscience &Engineering The University of Iowa |
Marcela Politano
8 |
100C.Macwell Hydraulic Lab.Iowa City,Iowa USA
SKHL1504 |
Effect of Inflow TDG Level on TDG Generation of High-dam Spills |
David Zhiwei Zhu
8 |
University of Alberta |
SKHL1505 |
Evaluation and Model Development for Engineered Infiltration Systems for Sustainable Stormwater Management and Multiple Contaminant Removal |
Yusong Li
8 |
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
SKHL1506 |
Mapping permafrost thermal state in the Tetan Plateau and ibevaluate its sensitivity to recent climate change |
Elchin Jafarov
8 |
University of Colorado Boulder
SKHL1507 |
Response of functional indicators to flow reduced in gradient |
Shinichiro YANO
8 |
Kyushu University
SKHL1508 |
Experimental and numerical study of hydraulic fracturing in rock mass
8 |
ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering, The University of Newcastle
SKHL1509 |
Study of Earthquake-induced landslide dam formation and its failure |
Pawan Kumar
8 |
Institute of Engineering, Tribhuwan University
SKHL1510 |
不同床沙组成的透水砾石河床水力特性研究 |
8 |
School of Civil and Environmental Eng, Nanyang Technical University |
SKHL1511 |
Experimental study of turbulent open channel flow with gravel beds
Junke GUO
8 |
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
SKHL1512 |
粒子法SPH在山区河流中的模拟与应用 |
8 |
SKHL1513 |
河流水质模型参数识别反问题的伴随同化方法研究 |
杨中华 |
4 |
武汉大学水利水电学院 |
SKHL1514 |
流域水文滞留时间的测算及其影响因子研究 |
冉启华 |
4 |
浙江大学建筑工程学院 |
SKHL1515 |
黄 彪 马潇键 |
4 |
北京理工大学 |
SKHL15016 |
4 |
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所 |
SKHL1517 |
近岸海域波-流-植物相互作用的数值模拟研究 |
张明亮 |
4 |
大连海洋大学 |
SKHL1518 |
基于GPU并行计算的河湖水环境数值模拟 |
刘海飞 |
4 |
北京师范大学 环境学院
SKHL1519 |
基于影像测量技术研究坡面流流动特性 |
张宽地 |
4 |
西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 |
SKHL1520 |
深水湖库热氧分布特征及演变机理研究 |
朱德军 |
4 |
清华大学水利水电工程系 |
SKHL1521 |
砂岩裂隙抗剪强度的湿化效应及机理研究 |
赵志宏 |
4 |
清华大学土木水利学院 |
SKHL1522 |
调蓄水库盐度分布特性研究 |
王 旭 |
4 |
天津农学院 |
SKHL1523 |
四川典型流域地下水补给强度研究 |
张静 |
4 |
四川农业大学,生态环境研究所(温江校区) |