编号 |
项目名称 |
申请人姓名 |
申请金额(万) |
申请人地址 |
SKHL1301 |
Development of a monitoring sysytem for gravel transport during small floods for environmental assessment |
6 |
Dept. Civil &Env.Eng.,Hiroshima University |
SKHL1302 |
滩槽交界面一排植物对漫滩水流运动特性的影响机理及数值模拟研究 |
8 |
School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen; UK |
SKHL1303 |
Application of the fluid-structure interaction code – Y-CgLES-IBM in the hydraulic and ocean engineering |
John Williams Chunning Ji |
8 |
School of Engineering & Materials Science, Queen Mary, University of London |
SKHL1304 |
Modeling dissipation of supersaturated total dissolved gas downstream of a high dam |
Ben R. Hodges
6 |
University of Texas at Austin
SKHL1305 |
Supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation and atmospheric reaeration in large-scale reservoirs |
Carlo Gualtieri
6 |
Dept.of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering |
SKHL1306 |
寒区水库立面二维水温与平面二维冰情的“T”型嵌套数学模型研究 |
沈洪道 |
8 |
Clarkson University |
SKHL1307 |
Experimental study of added mass force for decelerating spheres through fluids
6 |
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
SKHL1308 |
Hydrodynamic Evolution of Tsunami-like Long waves in Nearshore Region |
Shih-Chun Hsiao
8 |
National Cheng-Kung Univ. |
SKHL1309 |
Study of dimensional-analysis basedculvert rating using laboratory experiment,field measurement,and computational fluid dynamics |
6 |
South Florida Water Managerment District,USA |
SKHL1310 |
FL-DEWS: Assimilating Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations into a Coupled Flood and Landslide Disaster Early Warning System in Mountainous Regions of USA and China |
8 |
National Weather Center, University of Oklahoma
SKHL1311 |
Bed morphological changes under unsteady free surface flow |
Qingping Zou
8 |
The University of Maine
SKHL1312 |
基于泥石流动力过程的耦合风险分析 |
张 婧 |
4 |
西华大学能源与环境学院水利水电工程系 |
SKHL1313 |
卫星时代中国西南诸流域的洪水实时监测与预报研究 |
6 |
马里兰大学/NASA地球系统科学联合研究中心 |
SKHL1314 |
库岸砂泥岩颗粒混合填料的力学特性试验研究 |
张慧萍 |
4 |
重庆交通大学 |
SKHL1315 |
变化环境下基于植被健康响应的诺尔盖湿地生态需水规律研究 |
王 煊 |
4 |
SKHL1316 |
不确定条件下基于蒙特卡罗树搜索的流域水电群联合优化决策 |
徐 刚 |
4 |
三峡大学水利与环境学院 |
SKHL1317 |
基于动网格技术的复杂边界明渠水流数值模拟 |
杨青远 |
4 |
武汉市江岸区九万方长江科学院水力学所 长江水利委员会长江科学院水力学所 |
SKHL1318 |
库岸边坡可靠度分析及风险评估高效方法研究 |
曹子君 |
4 |
湖北省武汉市东湖南路8 号 武汉大学水利水电学院 |
SKHL1319 |
3D numerical modelling of temperature in large reservoir |
晁晓波 |
6 |
Computational Hydro-Enginerring Technologty,Inc.